Classmate Profile

Over the course of the past few years, we have taken the time to catch up with classmates around the world. Below is our quick snapshot of Andrew Usoro ‘10 from June 26, 2016.

Name: Andrew Usoro

Hometown: Katy, TX

Current location: (Just moved to) Boston, MA

What were you involved with at Princeton? 

Varsity Track and Field (100m/200m dash); Outdoor Action Leader Trainer; Cap and Gown Club Treasurer

What's your favorite memory of Princeton? 

Sophomore Year Halloween (for a variety of reasons), Cap and Gown Pick Ups, various shenanigans with the C&G officers senior year

What have you been up to in the five years (!) since graduation? What are you currently doing? What has your path been like since college? What's next?

Since graduating in 2010, I found myself in Singapore with the Princeton-in-Asia program teaching high school Inorganic Chemistry. I ended up extending my post by another year and lived in Singapore from 2010-2012. Participating in PiA has absolutely been one of the single best decisions I've ever made. I've made incredible friends through the program, learned about an entirely different part of the world, and got to travel quite a bit.

After (sadly) leaving Asia, I started at Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC in 2012. I had a wonderful 4 years there and every year got better as I became closer and closer to being a real doctor. I ended up deciding to specialize in orthopedic surgery and will be completing my residency at Massachusetts General Hospital with the Harvard Combined Orthopedic Residency Program. I start in June 2016 and I can't wait! I'll also be co-residents with fellow '10 Tiger Vinnie Murthy who is two years ahead of me in residency as I took two years off before going to medical school. My residency will five years long so I'll be in Boston for a while!

What about your life now would your sophomore-year self be most surprised by?

That I spent two years in Asia and have gotten to travel so much! My sophomore self never thought I'd do Princeton-in-Asia in a million years and probably didn't know what Princeton-in-Asia even was.

What's a lesson/belief/idea/skill you've learned since graduating?

You can't escape Princeton. I knew this while I was a student, but didn't really get it until graduation. Princeton somehow found me in Asia and continues to find me wherever I move. I have run into alums in the streets of NYC, in the mountains of Peru, on top of temples in Cambodia, etc. It's actually insane.  

Anything else you want the class to know? 

See you at Reunions!